Friday, June 19, 2009

Complete fail

Looks like I have to gracefully bow out this month. I didn't even realize that it was the 19th already. With the new macbooks, operating systems, ipods and that other unmentionable device, I have absolutely no time to write. F3GS! And I am moving this weekend too. And I am planning my vacation for July.

I would like to say that I will be writing sometime this month, but I don't want to lie to you.

I miss your brilliant minds and plan to read through your work as soon as I get a free second. Thanks for supporting me. Who fucking rocks? You do. I am glad that I find myself mentally referencing 30DoW on a daily basis and have a genuine feeling of missing it and missing writing. I love this shit man.

Lets infect the world.

Happy global warming.

Monday, June 8, 2009

time keeps on tickin

the days just fly by when you've got a blog to post on. sheesh!

I blame it on Apple. Damn you fruit with all your products! All your minions standing in lines 500 deep to converse with me! Damn you to hell!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

They see your every move

"Congratulations. You just testified in court against the biggest crime family in all of Texas. Now, to keep your ass from being dead, the FBI is putting you and your family in the Witness Protection Program. Write about the first day of your new life as Chris Farmington in Poughkeepsie, NY."

Hi there. My name is Chris. I guess you can tell by my accent that I am not from around here huh? Well I just moved here from Georgia. I had been living there for a few years after leaving the Peace Corps due to an injury. Oh this? It's nothing really. Just a scratch. Well, now it is. It used to be a lot worse. While we were protesting whale poachers in the Pacific, I fell overboard and a narwhal’s sharp helical tusk slide up my leg a few feet. You wouldn't think that your leg could split wide open like a cooked sausage, right? But it can. Very easily. So that was the end of my Peace Corps ride. I started eating fish again after that.

I wouldn't say I have a career path. I'm kind of a jack of all trades. I have been in the workforce since before I was legally able to be there. I have tried almost everything and liked almost none of it. My grandfather always told me as a child, "If you ain't happy at your job, quit it. There's a lot more of 'em out there for you to be unhappy at". Maybe it's my destiny to walk out of every job I start. I think one day, when I am old and gray, I will sit down somewhere and just forget to leave. That will be my career I guess.

Yeah, I am married. Don't wear a ring though. When your hands swell up two sizes bigger than they should be because you're stuck in the freezing bones ocean water for nearly 2 hours, well, wearing something that can cut off your finger seems kind of silly. I like to think that my commitment isn't something I have to show off to everyone. The wife doesn't mind either. She says women are more likely to hit on me with a ring on my finger rather than off it. Crazy huh? No, we don't have any kids. We both decided this world was not a place to be raising children. I can't say I agree with her, but I do enjoy the freedom most of the time.

We are living off of her dead father’s life insurance. Funny to think I used to hate those trust fund kids; growing up a poor one myself. She keeps herself busy otherwise we fight. That woman's mind is like a finely tuned engine: lots of parts moving and moving. Fast. If one of them slows down or starts working out of order the whole system crashes. Fast. I don't know what she is doing today. Could be at an art show or at an oil painting class. Could be skeet shooting for all I know. I like to live my own life and let her live hers. When we get home at night, we live our lives together. I think it keeps things fresh. Well, some people might disagree but it works for us fairly well.

I have traveled a bit in my time, yes. Texas? No. Haven't been there yet. I hear the old Alamo is haunted though. I would love to check that out some day. Closest I ever made it to Texas was New Orleans. Went there to visit an old girlfriend a long time ago. We didn't end up seeing each other on that trip but I still want to go back there some day. To smell the air in the French Quarter, not to see Her. Am I hungry? Sure am. No, I could eat anything right now. After spending 6 days lost in the desert with nothing for nourishment, besides fingernails and pepper spray, a person doesn't find too many things unappealing enough to not shove down their throat.

You know, I never thought I was allergic to pineapples but my throat is cinched up like a Bangkok hooker. Getting a killer headache too. You feel bad yourself? No? I remember contracting malaria once but this is much worse. Shit! I think somebody needs to call the doctor. My heart is beating right out of my chest! Hey! What are you doing with that camera? You think this is funny? Call the damned paramedics! Where are you going? Come back here and help me out. Help me!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2nds reposing corspe

"Zombies are the new ninjas that were the new pirates or some circle jerk theory thereunto. And the new pirates are friggin’ Somalian. What iconic historical cluster, dead or alive (or undead) would you like to see become the new zombie? Why?"

I would love to see ancient Egyptians become the new zombie. As a child I was fascinated by the Egyptians, their spiritual beliefs, the pharaohs and the complete mystery surrounding it all. I was able to see a shriveled Ramses II before he and his artifacts were shipped back to their sandy homes back east. I will never forget it. This museum tour was in 88 or 89. I have a strong feeling that the Egyptians were visited by extraterrestrial creatures (as well as other ancient civilizations) and can be directly connected to the Pyramids that were created. The Gods were wicked enough to cause nightmares. The Goddesses, alluring and ethereal, left me desiring something more than what was offered by my rural hometown settings of Middleburg Florida. I wanted to be mummified as a child. I imagined my brains being liquefied and drawn out my nose. Embalming fluids and gold. Plated hair and olive skin. Bad ass eyeliner. Yeah, that about covers it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

june mothrafunkin first

"Part 1: Set your writing intention for the month. Pick 3-5 words on what you want to get out of this, where you want to go with your writing, etc, and elaborate on them.

Part 2: Since our group is growing and we no longer all know each other, give us a little bio of your life as a writer."

part one: dedication. inspiration. laughter. perspective. a life outside of my head. I have nothing to give you in elaboration. Eee-lab-or-a-shun. I love writing and I adore writers. It's my pron in life. I plan to write more freely this time. Whatever happens happens. I hope that what unfolds in the next 30 is as pretty as a picnic on the moon.

part two: My intention is a mostly honest one. I still hope to finish one of these things entirely and eventually. I hope to be inspired by other writers {leech the dreams and creativity from their very souls} and maybe gain a smile or two while perusing the blogs posted within these might fine 30 Days of June. When it's all over and we are naked as babes, panting on the broken pinata covered floor and surrounded by dead people we don't know... I want to look up to sky come July 1st and say to myself in a tiny tiny whisper "You finally did it you old ass motherfucker, happy birthday to you."

and fireworks.

This is my June bio. Personality #46 please step down. What an ass he can be, right? and a writer? He most surely needs some help. Lets help him together.