Thursday, April 30, 2009


"Today's assignment is a simple one. Go back and review your own writing. Have you developed a style? Choose 3 words that describe your writing style, providing at least one example from your posts for each word.Style, to a fiction writer, is basically the way you write, as opposed to what you write about (though the two things are definitely linked)."

This might be the hardest one of all. Do I have a style? I have been told that my writing is very "unique" and isn't like other writers. That may possibly be the equivalent of saying a persons newborn baby is "breathtaking". I am glad that I can be somewhat identified as a writer. God knows my art/hand side lacks a name or distinguishable face. I can't honestly tell you what my 3 words would be. I have failed this assignment. My mission is to write without fear or blocks or pride. I don't need to create over the top scenes or white knuckle suspense if it is real to me. I want to grab the reader by the heart (...hand, or hair) and give them the same sense I have felt from reading books all my life. It is so much more than a movie! This is a very personal experience that can't be compared to watching a film and because of that I feel that my writing must reach a person on some sub level, some sort of subconsciousness, that can only be found by leaving my pride at the door. I have always considered my writing to be a part of therapy, for myself and anyone else that can see through the bullshit. Identifiable as a style? I have no clue.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Freebees number two

This is something I wrote a long time ago. I am cheating like a motherfucker and I feel the hard stares. I don't care this time. I am reposting this today not because I am lazy, but because I am looking for some kindling that might stoke my fire. As a writer I have found (mad/insane)inspiration from reading others work that influenced me and I am greatly inspired to write when my life is at its worst points. As silly as it sounds, I am a firm believer in synchronicity and a common consciousness. So I am throwing it out into the collective winds as it was thrown to me originally, in hopes to have it return to my dreams sooner than later. It is a selfish thing but a positive thing too.

C'est la vie.

Somewhere South of Real

by Joe Keller's organic being

Setting: A sometimes jarring yet comfortable train. The cabin is pitch black except for the warm golden lights that blur by the windows at random intervals. There are random images of past lives' visions playing on a small television screen that plays more static than the actual television show. These images are all fond memories connected to no particular person.


Little Boy
Train Conductor
The Devil

Mommy, I think I am sick and might need some medical attention.

The train loudspeaker crackles to life, blaring in perfect 8-bit quality,
"Elf needs food badly"

I can't afford to take you anywhere. Get a job and make sure it has some good benefits---

(Voice Over through train speaker)
Please hide your cell phone and lock your doors. All sharp objects and cooking devices need to be detached from this ride as this train only makes one stop.

Sounds of breaking glass surround the interior car as large household items are tossed out the train's breaking windows. Knives, cords and cleaning supplies are being swept into the air from an unknown shadowy location and are thrust out into the night sky.

The stop you are making is not at the hospital or local jail. Get your life together young man and stop being such a wimp! I raised you to be better than that.

O.K. I think I am doing better anyways. Besides, I have to go to the bathroom and will forget about being sick as soon as I stop staring at this purple screen in front of me.

(Voice Over through train speaker)
Next stop Hell. No reboarding passes will be accepted. Please remove all personal baggage from your compartment.
Viewing out the window of the speeding train, little boy looks up and sees Hell; demons are all red-skinned porn stars and the devil is George Lucas. They are all lounging on frothing orange clouds and discussing the war in Iraq over warm martinis. Everyone is beautiful and lavishly, if not scantily, clothed. Someone throws up in the background and the Devil quickly turns off the lights of Hell with a snap of his finger.

Told you you'd end up there if you kept up your evil blasphemous ways! Now be a man and face the consequences of your sinful life. I will be looking down from heaven praying for mercy on your charred and ruinous soul. She picks up a leash that is connected to gleaming silver cord pinched in-between the closed train doors.

Little boy looks out from a broken passenger window and sees Heaven below him. It is upside down as if looking into a puddle. God, a chrome-plated robot, blindly fires a large machine gun into the picturesque sky of blue and gold. The angels are Every Underprivileged Person In The World and their undersized dirty t-shirts say so. The angels are each leashed to a single bullet strung through Gods never-ending ammunition supply. When he fires a round, the angel attached violently explodes against an unseen wall somewhere in the distance. Their bloody remains congeal into shiny new bullets after sliding down the invisible wall to heavens ground. Through a speaker hanging askew from Gods mirror-shine mouth you hear broken laughter. The Angels shout praises to God while simultaneously securing their leashes.

I am not even grown yet! I don't even know of a hell. How can I be responsible for my actions when I am just now figuring out what they can cause? I am already damned. Have I no choice in life? If I can do anything I put my mind to, why is my mind limited to only doing so much?

(Voice Over through train speaker)
Social order buddy, ha ha buzzzzzzzz.

The Train Conductor now stands beside open door at the rear of the train car. His speaking voice sounds as if it is still coming from the overhead speaker. Life isn't fair unless you are someone else and someone else you will never be. Now please, tuck and roll.

Little Boy is tossed out into the rushing winds and is carried like a feather into some unknown, invisible path. Lights fade to black while Nine Inch Nails: Head Like A Hole plays its entirety.

Based on SK's reaction to reading this, I felt there was a need to clarify the post. Upon rereading it, I realize I am unable to touch it. It's loosely written in the form of a playscript and it involves a mother and son on a train that travels through the cosmos, to Hell presumably. I was the Personal Home Stenographer on this one so I can't unravel it's mysteries either.

So much for a clarification huh?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth becomes a shithole...

"One of my favorite books is T.C. Boyle's A Friend of the Earth, a story set in the future when the earth becomes a shithole and the only animals left are in private collections of former rock stars. Share with us your view on the Earth's future in as much detail as possible."

I have to apologize in advance for this one. It's negative and it's barely readable. Sometimes I just have to get it out there. Sans format, flow, structure or blah.

You've been living underground
Eating from a can
You've been running away
From what you don't understand...

The radio in my head tunes to this little ditty loud and clear as soon as someone mentions apocalyptic times, nuclear, global warming, the future. Or maybe it's due to all the Fallout 3 I have played in the last few months? Nah, that can't be it. I have always thought of that song in relation to our future. I see the future as a wasteland controlled and policed by large corporations. Tank Girl rings a bell. Demolition Man rings another, more distasteful, bell. I don't see the human race making things better. I am sorry to say it too. I don't enjoy spreading negativity. In our history, we have destroyed and divided and conquered. We as humans use knowledge as a device to gain more power. Being more powerful leads to more greed. Those in need fight for what they want and we have another war. Or two. Or an endless number. I don't believe violence solves anything. Any thing. And this is how we "resolve" our issues as a species. By fighting or stealing things from others in the name of whatever God you follow. On a cosmic scale we are simple, barbaric creatures. I can't imagine a world without mass conflict or a world that doesn't finds itself as the center of the universe.

Sheesh. My future is a shithole huh? -and I've already procreated. Looks like I filled the quota for things to perpetuate a dying earth and her death rattle. I do recycle however, so, there's that. I realize this post is going nowhere fast. I see it clearly. Thanks for wading through the muck and the mire with me.

And scene.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Craziest. Vacation. Ever.

"Write about your craziest vacation."

In the average year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and ninety six, I went on a trip across the United States, or half way across if you want to be all google/maps about it. I had recently visited Austin and fell in love. Not a month later I had decided to move away from my entire family and lifetime worth of friends. To be here in this city that I still love and still reside in feels odd. I never expected to live in Texas. Then again, all the other redirected Austinite's most likely didn't predict to be here either. I do find myself wanting to leave but it is never for good. I haven't found an elsewhere that replaces home in the last 13 years. Austin is home for me. Sidetracked? I feel your pain.

So I went on the thousand mile plus trip with my then girlfriend (soon to be wife and eventual ex-wife), her brother and our two cats. With everything we owned hastily tucked into the miniature nooks and crannies of an old orange 1971 Volkswagen Beetle and faded blue 1982 Honda Civic Hatchback we trekked West. Our tiny, overloaded cars couldn't go over 60 mph without fear of expiration so the trip very quickly became the slowest drive in my 19 years of living. We were given a going away party by our friends the night before we planned to depart. I don't remember the specifics but lets just say the party was on a Friday night. The three of us had drunkenly packed and barely cleaned out the place we were leaving. We left that Saturday around noon which was for us, very early in the morning.

The trip started off well. Spirits were up and every highway mile checked off at a smooth 59 miles per hour. I had been given a "going away present" by a friend of ours and I was the only one who was aware of it for the first few hours of the trip. Before we hit the M.i.s.s.i.s.s.i.p.p.i. border, I told Emily that Justin had given us three hits of acid. Emily and I took two and attempted to see how long we could keep it from Ian. That plan of secrecy lasted around two hours.

Things started off fine and manageable. I blame it on the lack of sleep really, and not the drugs potency for the turn of events throughout the day/night. All three of us were well into the peaking stages and no one needed to ask if you were "feeling it yet". By the time we arrived in Baton Rouge Louisiana the effects of the LSD were staggering. Finding a place to eat became our mission though none of us were hungry. It just seemed to be the right thing to do. We found a truck stop that didn't look too menacing and decided to stop. I crawled out of the little VW to see that the cars once dry and rusted orange paint coat had turned into a live entity. Have you seen the horrible live action movie Spawn? Well it looked exactly like Spawns cape. The entire cars body was covered in a churning, mixing mass of wet red paint. I stared at this until someone (Emily I think) pulled me away in fear of being noticed by the Normal People. Ordering our food was challenging and resulted in whispers and mumbled one-liners for answers. We might as well had been intergalactic aliens trying to dine out for the first time since we crash landed on Earth. My gumbo might have been good though I wouldn't have known. The seafood was alive and teeming in the large white ceramic bowl of tomato-based red sea that was gumbo. I watched silent shrimp breach the surface, come up for air and gracefully dip below the surface. I eventually swallowed two spoonfuls of the stuff and thought it tasted good but wasn't hungry enough to continue.

The rest of the trip was full of continuing neurotic patterns. Emily mentioning that we had been driving uphill for the entire trip really set things off in a bad direction. It was maddening to only be going up. I remember desperately craving the feeling of descent; the sight of a hill, anything to break the monotony of the steady climb. During the night driving, the hallucinations really came alive. We all witnessed things in our vision that didn't exist. Shadow people constantly dodged between cars and ran along the sides of our two car caravan. Giant driver-less humming hoopties would float past us only to disappear in our headlights. Gods eyes were in my headlights. Enormous hands and spiders smashed down on the highways in front of us. Distant house fires and tornadoes were witnessed.

The things we saw on the 24 hour trip weren't due to our minds matrixing patterns in the hard to see night sky or any other kind of natural phenomena. It was, what I can say now with a lot of experience, pure LSD and Delirium; a combination that is more powerful that any hallucinatory drug mixture I had ever taken before or since that trip.

I remember kissing the ground when we finally made it into Austin. I remember feeling that we had been through hell and back. I remember crying and I remember saying that I was going to write about it all. I read Fear and Loathing a short time later and felt overshadowed. None the less, the trip was insane, self induced and no one was harmed. This was the craziest, best, worst trip I have ever taken.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Fav sounds so negative. :D

"Write about your favorite place to be in the town where you live."

My favorite place to be in Austin is hard to pin point. I don't really go out much anymore. When I did go out, it was always to a random location. Where is the show? Where is the free beer? Where is the ?

I think my favorite place is the Greenbelt. Not Zilker Park. The actual Greenbelt that doesn't include a few dozen screaming children, a few dozen dogs and beer chugging college douche bags and accompanying their Hulkamania tanned douche bag loving girlfriends. I recently went on a hike to the Sculpture Falls area off Loop 1 and 360. My most enjoyable times were when there was no one in my viewfinder, no loud shouts of "Motherfucker, Fuck! You fucking suck!" blasting by my daughters ears. When we were sort of lost, looking at rocks or caves, or scaring each other with "what-if" stories of our Greenbelt survival of tigers, zombies, werewolves, mass murders, those were my favorite moments. I love how you can step outside your front door and find something beautiful. I love the Austin Greenbelt.

Friday, April 17, 2009


"So, apparently pirates are cool again. Not so much because people are still buying all the trendy crap that no one really needs or because they are hanging out more at 826 Valencia, but moreso because there are real fucking pirates out there, getting shot in the head by snipers. Geez. Write a pirate story. It can either be the swashbuckling type or something more modern and Somalian."

Um no. I don't find any interest in pirates. Absolutely no desire to write about or discuss pirates. I am going to not write about the subject topic today and this is very disappointing for me I might add.

I was watching the Discovery Channels story of the real Haunting in Connecticut last night. It was, from what I could tell, much better than the movie that is currently in theaters. Sure the acting was a joke and the storyline had more holes than a ghosts liver but it was way scarier. The demon looked like a rat person straight out of the Dark Tower. He didn't let me sleep at all last night. While we were watching the downloaded show on a laptop in my bed strange things started happening. The laptop shut off several times without warning. The cord showed "plugged in" but it wouldn't charge. Other errors appeared too and none of them had been seen before. The laptop thing was odd but didn't really do it for me. Sure, I was a little on edge from watching the show in a pitch dark room and the laptop going nuts only made it worse. The thing that got me up and flipping light switches was not electronic at all. My tiny bathroom has two switches; a light and a fan. The fan turned on by itself. I have experience true paranormal activity in the past too and I can't say this was anything like it. I can't explain what caused the fan to turn on but it was not a normal occurrence. I checked everything in my room and surrounding areas. Looking for what? I don't know.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

taxes and stuff

"To celebrate the day after tax day, write about something that we all fantasize about: what you would do if you won $8 million in the lottery. Don't forget to factor in taxes!"

"You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures. Like Caine from Kung Fu."

That line about sums it up for me. I would go where ever I like. I would travel so extensively that I would either have to stop from old age or eventual boredom. My goal in life is to do exactly that. I mean, some of us live on this huge and amazing planet and never leave the state we were born in. I am in love with the human spirit and our history throughout the world. I want to experience it all first hand. Galapagos, Egypt, Greek islands, Spain, Maine and everything in between. I would own a plane and a boat and any equipment required to visit anywhere I wanted. I would also be taking friends and family with me. This is my fantasy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

deadliest warriors aka ADHD vs ADD

"So there's this new show on Spike called "Deadliest Warrior" that should be, well, fucking awesome. I have the first 2 episodes on my DVR, but haven't watched them yet. Basically, they film reinactions of the possibility of the coolest battles that you can possibly imagine in a beer-induced haze. Episode 1 was Gladiator vs Apache and Episode 2 was Viking vs Samurai. So, before the rest of the season rolls out, create your own Deadliest Warrior matchup and have them throwdown."

Deadliest Warrior Matchup. Shibby. I don't watch UFC or MMA or even amateur oil wrestling. Besides, are you serious Spike TV? Viking versus Samurai? Be for real. I should had known your judgment was off-kilter when I saw that (supposedly sexy) bleach-blond chicken-bone of a girl you had reporting live from Beauty Bar last year. Karen Carpenter was so last season. Be. For. Real. Okay, it's unfair to you guys. I am just stalling as I have no idea what to write.

Chicken bones and homing missiles. Silos, Afros and wooden whistles. Missing children and bloody thistles. This is how my mind works when I can't produce something tangible; manageable. A series of images that play through the scene: enter stage left, exit stage right. Some images have a few lines of monologue to spout while others have none at all. A simple gesture is all it takes for the more vivid ones. I don't claim to understand it but I appreciate it. I prefer my thoughts in visual format. I went to see The Octopus Project's visual show at the Alamo Ritz on February 25th and saw the most amazing animated short film. It was simply named Rabbit and it was created by Run Wrake. If you haven't yet seen this film, go online and watch it please. Innovative, simple and brutally honest. You wont have the amazing sounds of The Octopus Project to accompany the film as I did, but you can still appreciate its sheer brilliance.

With everything having a label in this world, and I mean everything, the film had me thinking of the nature of greed and labels. Manifest Destiny & the Louisiana Purchase. The Great G.I. Joe exchange of 1987. To what cost do you get what you want? I don't like wanting things or having the feeling of needing them but I do nothing to change it. I am part of the problem and the solution. What game am I playing?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

it's always sunny in 30daysofwrite

"(this is a bit of a regurgitated version of what came out of a previous topic, and I loved what came out of it so much I had to do it again) Create a conversation between two unlikely characters. At an Italian restaurant. And then Danny Devito walks by."

"This is not me. I have no clue where this picture came from or who this person is. How about you go back in the room with your boys and try and come up with something more believable?" He was not taking the fall for some stupid fucks mistake. Not this time. He had spent his early years in San Quentin after being caught up in a Federal sting that involved the Clown. He never sung, no matter how many offers they threw at him through his cell bars. No amount of burger could turn him into a filthy snitch.

"Time's up asshole. You are the only one left who hasn't talked. Your buddies... the guys that had your back and all, well, they sold you out as soon as their puckered asses hit the same metal folding chair your ass is in now. I assure you, you will fold too." The detective was a tough guy. He had seen men much harder than him break down and cry like newborn babes with a diaper rash. "I will be back in fifteen minutes and I expect you to sing. Hows about you put on a wig and dress for me? Do a little Britney for us? I hear she's comin' back." The detective signaled the cop monitoring the interrogation room through the paneled mirrored glass. The heavy iron door buzzed, electronically unlocked and swung open. He slammed it behind him without looking back.

The ex-con only sat there staring at the picture that was shoved across the table. From this angle the man in the picture looked so familiar. He couldn't place him. Where had he seen this piece of shit before? Was it at another job? At the massage parlor? He had to find out before this ballsack of a pig fucked him into a confession.

Exactly five minutes passed when the door buzzed, unlocked and swung open again. This time it was his good for nothing vampire of a lawyer. She looked at him with eyes that screamed 40 percent. What the fuck did she know? Why the fuck is she smiling like a retard?

"You are free." She spoke with such confidence. She was quite an attractive bird when she wasn't wiping the sweat from her forehead. "They caught their man trying to escape into the sewers early this morning. He was positively identified as a Mr. Danny Devito. I have already filled out the paperwork for your release. That Detective Scrotes, he has a listening problem for sure, but he won't be giving you any more trouble either. Hamburglar, you are a free man!"

He should have slapped her for stalling so long. He was left thinking he would rot in the slammer for good this time. But he didn't hit her this time. He grabbed Miss Birdie E. Bird and kissed her deeply. Now he only had to find that fat fuck Grimace and make some grape jelly out of his ass. The Clown had set him up again.

Monday, April 13, 2009


"Uh, it's Monday. Yay. Since we are almost at the halfway point, I wanted to give everyone a little bit of catch-up time, so today is a free day. You write about whatever the hell you want to write about and post it."

I, I, I, I wanna write right now. I'm JBee and I came to get down. I'm not internationally known, but I'm known to rock the microphone. I obviously have nothing to write about today. I had an interview earlier. I kicked ass but surely had to pay the price for my awesomeness. I was nervous since Tuesdays email advising me of my impending interview time. Last night I didn't sleep a wink. Well, I did sleep at least a couple winks.

I knew it was a dream to begin with. The house was oddly shaped. The kitchen was a long skinny rectangle of a room with only about 3 feet of space to walk through. All the appliances were lined up along the length of the wall and the other side was nothing but tall windows. It was all brown and tans too. Gross. My brother and sister where standing there explaining a very detailed situation to me, or trying to explain it. It was reminiscent of being super high on Acapulco Gold with those fools and having very lengthy conversations in the kitchen. They were just a little too happy. They looked just a little off.

So Josh, my brother, says that he accidentally traveled to another dimension or something. I love these conversations so I oblige by giving him my full (though foggy & dreamlike) attention. I remember this happening as a visual queue, as he became clearer and more defined. He explained that the dishwasher must have been the location of a warp or wormhole or something. He simply bent over to put a dish into the holder and he was transported to a parallel universe. I laughed. They didn't. So I mocked him by waddling over to the sink and picking up a spoon. I walked back to the open dishwasher and leaned towards the round sprinkler section in the middle with the spoon in hand. I saw the round cylinder stretch and pull towards me. With a snap of circular white light that expanded towards me and outside my peripheral vision I was instantly looking up at my Josh and Amanda from the floor of the kitchen.

I felt this very unique sensation in my head as soon as I saw my siblings looking down on me. It felt like a quick pressure and then release of a small section of my actual brain. It didn't hurt but it did feel a little cold. The feeling began slowly dissipating as soon as it arrived and took no more than a handful of seconds to disappear completely. It was in the top left center area, and after looking at medical diagrams, I would say it was in the primary somatic sensory cortex/motor cortex region. Looking back with this new found knowledge of the brain makes the dream and odd sensation even creepier and surreal. The primary somatic sensory cortex receives information from skin receptors and distinguishes different types of sensations. The motor cortex sends instructions to muscles to cause voluntary movements. A-fucking-mazing.

I didn't get a chance to speak to them as they were both too excited and simultaneously explaining to me that it had worked, and I was in another dimension. I was a little shook up by the barrage of information too. I was thinking, "If I actually did end up in a parallel universe I need to go back right away!" I bent down instantly and the same thing happened again. Stretch of vision, circular white light and the odd feeling in my brain. I didn't wake up on the floor this time though. The feeling disappeared a little sooner too. I was standing in the same spot as when the dream first began, which was sort of leaning on a window, facing the dishwasher and standing as the third point of a perfect triangle between Josh and Amanda. They were surprised to see me. They explained that when I bent over I simply vanished. When Josh had claimed to do it the first time, there were no witnesses. They couldn't believe what had happened. I told them in as much detail as I could what had happened and that I did not think that it was a good idea to do it again. Josh tried but it didn't seem to work for him any longer.

I felt nervous and anxious watching my brother try to repeat the process over and over so I yelled at him. I became really angry. I told him that he shouldn't try. What would happen if he went there and couldn't return? What if he went somewhere entirely different and couldn't return? The whole idea freaked me out. I attempted to grab his arm and turn him away from the dishwasher. I went through again. I was once again on the floor in the kitchen. I continued the process of going back and forth several times while trying to prevent my brother from purposely doing what I had done several times now by mistake. I went through this pattern so many times that I realized I didn't feel the brain thing any longer when I entered the "other" world. So I had no clue which world was my original. This thought freaked me out so badly that I started hyperventilating. This is how I woke up. Scared and amazed. Perplexed and breathless.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


"For many of us, our bed is our sanctuary. Most of the time, we don't get to spend nearly as much time there as we would like. Describe your bed and what it is like when you either go to bed or wake up, or both."

I can tell that this post will be short. Strange too, considering how much of a fan I am of sleeping. My bed is an average sort of bed. It's pillow stuffed and squishy enough to make me happy. I have noticed lately that the middle is starting to sink in a little however. Sleeping alone for as long as I did will definitely produce that effect sooner than later. Jumping on the bed doesn't help much either. I am kind of over my bed these days. I used to love her, now I am looking at other women out there. Ooh, she has nice fluffy pillows doesn't she? I wonder what kind of discount I can get on her? Yeah, I am considering a new bed relationship sooner than later. I want to fall in love again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Made in Thailand

He was one of thousands, hell, possibly millions, depending on the numbers from last year’s fiscal bonus. He knew he was a copy of a copy of a copy. The only physical differences between himself and all the rest of his brothers were minuscule at most. A real imperfection could not escape the scrutiny of the Quality Assurance Officers (all eight of them) and would end up in the recycle bin anyway. The QAO were the only employees to be freshly and systematically rotated out after a 4 hour shift. They all looked the same too. White jump suit, check. Black shiny hair, check. Safety goggles, check. The guys who didn’t make it past first inspections; the recycled, the aborted attempts, the losers, they were eventually pooped out in the same fashion as the rest of us. Only we knew the difference. The plastic was a bit overheated during the remolding process and caused the skin to be harder and brittle. The layers of skin colored paint were also thicker and of a darker tone. You could always find fights breaking out between the Perfect and the Imperfect. The titles varied depending on the gang but the underlying hatred and segregation of first born and second (or whatever number of tries it took before they passed inspection) always remained at the core of the brothers’ animosity.

And fighting was exactly what he was made for. The online gaming phenomenon of the 21st century accumulated billions of dollars in surplus funds dedicated to the research and technological advancement of games and electronic entertainment. Add this vortex of corporate interest to the deregulation of cloning human beings and you find yourself in his lifetime. 2186. The Age of Electronic Entertainment. The year of 86EE was exactly like the year before it. 87EE will be exactly the same. The humans lived above us in the clouds. We didn’t understand how they lived there and most of us didn’t care. We were born to fight and survive. Nothing more. There were endless numbers of factions and guilds, armies and alliances. Depending on the factory you were born in, you could be a wizard or a sniper or a thief. The game fields were separated by massive electric walls. A less popular game might be the size of your neighborhood while another might be as large as a continent. The games came and left too. The scenery changed. The outfits and weapons were updated and replaced as easily as one might replace the double AAs in their dildos. Final Fight had been the only game in history to not be replaced since its inception in 2086.

The games playing field was originally a modest 200 square mile plot of land west of Egypt. Since the release of nuclear weaponry, Final Fights borders extent to the entire continent of Africa, with plans to include the coveted Middle East within the next decade. Final Fights major success and worldwide popularity were based on change itself. The game was open ended. While most game creators tried to create their own idea of a story, it never lasted as long as they expected. Final Fights creators added situations for players to deal with. For example, your team may be in the jungle fighting through an ancient temples labyrinth when all of the sudden an earthquake splits the ground from beneath and you are now accepting the help of your recent enemy to survive an onslaught of subterranean beasts. That was a one of countless changes FF saw throughout its lifetime. Companies also tried to emulate FF though they never lasted very long. The newest upgrade was going to drop today. The one hundredth year of Final Fight. The guys all had theories of what would be released and rumors spread like wild fire. The truth was that no one knew what was going to be released.

The one concrete truth they had was that a new factory had been assembled some time last year in some part of Asia. This kernel of vague intelligence didn’t help them understand or prepare for the anniversary release. New factories were being assembled all over the world all the time. What’s another one? He didn’t care at least. His day started the same as always. He woke to the sound of bombs and the vibration of this bedrails. He suited up with the same armor he had worn for the last twenty years. He left his underground home and headed to the battle grounds for briefing. The day played out like all the rest. A few minor twists to the standard siege and conquer were found lying in the shadows of the early hours of day. His watch showed it was 11:00am, a standard cease fire for all games north of the Tropic of Cancer. He gathered his equipment and headed to his favored place to have lunch which was a remote cliff bordering the south side of his home town. With the cliff in sight he placed his equipment at the base of the steadily inclining hill. As he began the short trek he heard thunder crack and roll slowly across the sky. Several dark, tube-shaped shuttles emerged from the clouds and planted themselves into the earth with a loud crash. He turned to sprint back downhill for his gear but a tube violently landed directly in between him and his guns. He dove off the cliff to the rocks below, only a short distance from the smoking crater that contained who knows what. He flanked the hole to find his equipment destroyed and half sunk into the ground. The shuttles flight rudder must have snagged his satchels strap when it dug its way in to the soft sand. The soldier grabbed a sharp rock the size of his fist and carefully approached the damaged shuttle. The entire 12 foot metal tube hissed from the heat discharged during descent. The transports design was to split open upon impact and release its contents after an initial cool down period. This tube seemed to have malfunctioned some time before impact. One half of the shell was lying on the ground in front of the crater, separated from its canopy. He peered into the cargo hold and saw a figure lying with its head buried in the wreckage and its feet bent up towards him. It was a smaller body than he was accustomed to seeing but that was not what had him paralyzed and open mouthed.

The body belonged to a female. His entire earth was covered with men and boys. There were stories of women and battles fought over statues of women. There were even rare trophies given out that resembled the likeliness of the female figure though that was the extent of their knowledge when it came to women. He noticed that she wore the same armor as he did and the same combat boots. The only difference was that on the sole of her right boot it read “Made In Thailand”.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I am guilty as charged.

“What is your biggest guilty pleasure? Write a defensive/persuasive essay and try to convince us its awesomeness.”

I absolutely love lying to strangers. It is my Prozac. It is my cosmic balance. While at work (which I recently calculated to be more time than I spend at home) I speak to assholes throughout my ten hour day. These attitudes are atrocious; things even Jesus Christ would shoot right in the fucking face. Having a steady source of income is important to me too, so I deal with them. An abundance of patience and a refillable Fuckitall prescription is required to do it for as long as I have. When it gets really bad, a spare liver doesn’t hurt to have stored away either. To combat the effects of continuously stressful situations and an endless stream of negativity I find it very useful to spread a bit of disinformation. John Q. Public, I am the social ninja. I am the urine content found in your split pea soup.

I don’t cause car wrecks or house fires or divorce or male pattern baldness. I simply lie to strangers. It doesn’t matter what the lie is as long as it is a lie. Some of them can cause pain but most are just for my own pleasure. This habit started a while back when I worked at the 7-Eleven on 10th and Lamar. That store remains busy at all times and the customer type varied greatly. The only things between each person that didn’t change were the impatience and pretentiousness. I would be asked for directions to any number of locations, in and outside of Austin, all day long. I started giving those customers the wrong directions. If they wanted to know how to get to the Rio Grande campus (which was 2 blocks north and two blocks east from that store) I would tell them to head down south Lamar until they connected with 71 and take a right, you can’t miss it. This was an asshole move, I know. Have you ever gotten bad directions? You end up nowhere near the place you were headed and you never stop to think that the direction giver could have been giving you false information purposely. You chalk it up to stupidity. Well I don’t.

The 7-Eleven incidents were real mean. Hate me all you want. On the flip side, gas was only a dollar twenty three a gallon then and the drivers learned a little more of our beautiful city, or surrounding cities if I was lucky enough that day. These days I stick to the more neutral lies. I actually do follow some sordid path of twisted Karma. Time or date inquiries get adjusted by an hour or day depending on a couple factors: the person asking and my Internal Dickhead Gauge response tell me what the appropriate answer is. What is your name? Roberto. Skeelo. Jorge. Chacho. Whatever. It all ends the same: me smiling my tight-lipped white guy smile and walking away happy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

loling Sci-Fi

Write a brief conversation between scifi characters with at least 2 curse words that you make up.

Gea're responded with underlying tones of impatience, "A little care is all I ask for. I don't expect you to spend all night down there scouring quadrants 3 through 5. If we keep leaving our supplies at sub level those savages are going to eventually learn how to use them against us."

All he had to do was nod his head and agree with his commanding officer. A feeling in his gut that had been growing since the first incident wouldn't allow him to stay quiet this time. Gea're knew the feeling as well but wasn't about to start any fires this late into night shift.

"You and I both know it's not the Tridytes we should be concerned with. They have lived down there for thousands of years and not once have they shown any signs of complex thought. Beyond ripping a man from limb to limb and destroying anything we build, they are clueless loling beasts!" Britesh Nieght turned to stare down the endless transporter shaft. He counted down to seventeen light stations before they completely muddled out in the fog. This conversation was bound to happen though he always envisioned it playing out in front of a panel of officers while he was bound and secured in a stasis lock. "Commander, please hear me out. When Officer Puuma was murdered, there were no Tridytes. They had not yet broken through the containment bays. The breach of containment bay 4 didn't occur until a week after investigations wrapped up their case."

The two officers had never had an open disagreement in the six years of working together. Battleready was different. Everyone ends up in a fight at some point during their torturous four years of Battle school. With the possibility of nanotechs in use, even on a level this desolate, the Commanding Officer could not let this outburts go without notice.

"You are aware of the investigation and results of information collected regarding Puumas death. You signed your name to the document accounting for the damage found at C4 to be the work of Tridytes. You were one of the first crew members to find the damaged bays. You were only one of six officers to return from that bloodbath."

He impatiently remarked, "Please don't remind me. I am fully aware of what went happened that night."

Gea're noticed enforcement drones headed their way, descending from the mess hall three floors up. She must speak quickly. "Now you claim that someone else is to blame for the destruction of the sub level? Do you have any evidence to back up this accusation? Do you realize what kind of loling mess you will have started if anyone besides my loling self hears of this? You have no clue."

The drones only descended to level ten. They silently floated in pairs, inspecting locks on weapons cache doors. The rust created from the rising levels of toxic fog had compromised the electronic locks on all the lower floors. This constant check and balance was said to be a precautionary measure.

Nieght knew he had gone to far to take it back. If there was anyone he could trust in this whole city it was LA Gea're. They grew up together for lols sake. Still looking over the edge of the transporter shaft, he realized too late that there was no one to trust down here. Things changed a person after being in the dark for this many years. Nieght turned to his Commanding Officer in time to see her releasing a pulse whip towards his legs. He jumped to dodge the burn of the electric lasso but Gea're landed a spinning left kick to his chest. He found himself out of breath and falling past the rail he was holding. His suits thrusters wouldn't save him this time. They were dead and ready for recharge and hour before he even left sub level 9. He turned to grab the extension ladder that hung from the transporter cabin and missed. He counted the seventeen light shafts as he descended to the sub level floor. Once he passed the seventeenth shaft everything was surrounded in darkness. He could see nothing. The cries of the Tridytes were growing louder below him. Nothing in Battleready had prepared him for this. Britesh Nieght extended his pistol and connected the light scope.

"Lol" He whispered as he disappeared into fog completely.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Alabama Airshow Bitterly Transformed

"It may not be your favorite newspaper in the world, but it is hard to deny The Onion's ability to at least get a chuckle out of most people. Write your very own Onion-inspired article about anything you want. "

Onlookers were shocked this past weekend at an airshow held at Montgomery Regional (Dannelly Field) in Montgomery Alabama. The three and a half hour show was planned to have ended with an elaborate set of 10 jet fighters performing several complicated maneuvers while blindfolded and under the influence of PCP, a drug known to assist pilots who are constantly faced with the pressure of gravity and enclosed spaces.

The shows Disney sponsored program included the ever popular Dumbos Flying Circus; in which several large emus were dressed in elephant suits and dropped from a stealth bomber onto the applauding crowd after several passes and death defying corkscrew turns. One visitor, a veteran traveling from Montgomery Alabama, American George Hound 43, stated "I knew I couldn't miss this years show. It took 9 days to walk here and I think it was worth every step." He walked back home a proud new owner of an emu and a slightly used elephant suit. Other mentionable acts were Ursulas' hot air balloon squid toss and The Lady (Women True Fliers of Southeastern Alabama: WTFSEA) and the Tramp (mens flaming crossbow team) competition.

The scheduled finale time slot was planned to be 13 minutes in length with the explosion of the tenth plane to ignite the festivities of fireworks in a nearby hangar. All 9 planes hit their marks as planned with deadly precision and care while the tenth plane took a turn for the worst. Instead of nosediving into the firework filled hangar below as planned, the red and blue accented F-15 Eagle stopped in mid flight a mere 40 feet from the hangars roof. It then transformed before confused patrons eyes into what resembled a humanoid shape and grabbed what would be its crotch region and screamed loudly "Take this job and shove it, I ain't workin' here no more! Starscream out!" The stealth jet then returned to its original shape and flew off into the stratosphere not to be seen again that day.

Event planners swear to not have known this to be part of the show and apologize to anyone who was offended by the jets actions. They are offering free tickets to anyone who would like them. Redemption of free tickets are available by visiting the hangar that didn't explode and eligible to anyone who can show their original tickets. Event President and coordinator, Hubert Culbert, stated this to worried fans, "Next years show will be better than ever. There will be no disgruntled robots and double the emus with a few planned surprises. We hope to see you all there!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

"Today, the ASPCA kicks off its “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.” To celebrate, pay tribute in some way (a letter, a poem, whatever) to an animal from your past or present that was important to you."

Twisted humor, I know, but I have to note it none the less. "Today, the ASPCA kicks off its “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month." Am I the only one who finds this sentence funny? (I do not condone cruelty to animals in any fashion unless it is a ridiculously outfitted animal posted on icanhazcheezeburger or one of its affiliates)

You were one of four that summer, Sylvester. I know the name was chosen in haste and by an eight year old too but, in my defense, you did look exactly like the cartoon character you were named after. I always wondered if you were ostracized from your brothers and sister due to being so fluffy while they were all sleek and muscular looking? I doubt it. You and your siblings roamed those 5 acres and surrounding areas like lions. It was my own version of the Animal Kingdom in my backyard. You fought wild animals and was even bit by a snake once but always survived. I remember hearing you hit your head on the floor boards late at night but it never bothered me. I knew the fight was for a worthy cause. The land was yours and no one was going to take it from you.

You lived a full life but it was short lived. I wanted to kill the kid across the street for shooting you in the head. I never forgave him for it. I remember losing a bit of my innocence after your death and gaining a new found despise for anyone that resembled his type. Rednecks. I could not understand how a human being could kill a living creature for sport or recreation. I dug a hole as deep as the wet Florida earth would allow and buried you myself. I remember being alone that day and I didn't mind at all. Thanks for being such an awesome, loving and regal lion of a cat during my twisted childhood. I will never forget you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Senryu how dare you!


How could you praise this
Killer and cannibal star
Oh you Japanese

Keanu Part II

Oh you are gorgeous
and so well tanned, Paul Walker
your acting is shit

Oh so Valiant!

You came from Venus
met our President at once
and then disappeared


Miss Laura Welch (Bush)
first killer then First Lady
stop signs don't apply

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Save the World

I am really disappointed in myself this time. Is it my lack of imagination or my complete sense of cynicism? I am unsure of which to blame this time. I thought long and hard over how I would save the world in 4 minutes and absolutely nothing came to mind. I don't think the world is capable of being saved. Novel idea but not something I could write a novel about, or paragraph, it seems.

We have done the damage. The glaciers are melting and there is no reversing the process without a few million years in your pocket. I think we are due for a major cleansing. I don't watch the news but can and see how determined we are to destruct, destroy, dismantle and misinform. There is no saving this world as is. I prefer to make the best of the one I have and take care of it as if it were a dying and loved relative.

Writing about how I can't save the world made me realize how to save the world. I have played too many video games as of late and can contribute this thought process to my xbox 360 directly. Kill 75% of the population. I don't need to determine who gets the axe. Let's make it random selection. If the population were deduced to 225 million people armed with the knowledge of what we now know, there could be a slim chance at the making the cosmic grading curve.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

wake up in the past

"You wake up today and you are in the late 1800s. Your life is completely devoid of all of the technological comforts that we hold dear. No cell phones, no laptops, no Facebook, no television. What is your day like? Do you actually make it through the day without committing suicide?"

I have found my thoughts traveling to this topic more than once. Beyond certain luxuries of hygiene and comfort I believe I would be fine. I grew up in the fields working as a slave. Though I despise manual labor now, I think having to do it for survival would feel different. I might welcome the forced exercise too. I am a huge fan of electronics as well but I could easily adjust to the "simple life". I already dream of being lost in the middle of nowhere far from the news, radio towers, traffic lights and ghetto neighbors. I welcome it actually. This day and age is not for me. I am not impressed.

I would rely on my street smarts (lies and fabrications) to establish a new career for myself. I would travel the world and search out free thinkers like myself. I would start a new sect of families that lived with the future of the world in their minds. I would steal all the story lines from every movie and book that I have ever experienced and claim it as my own. This would fund my projects for world enlightenment. I would be the most prolific artist/writer/musician/activist the world has ever known. It wouldn't be an honest path but at least it would be headed in the right direction for the people I left behind in the future.

Friday, April 3, 2009

my dream house

"Setting is a critical element to most stories, sometimes to the point that the setting can be considered a character in the piece, taking on a life of its own and influencing the plot just as much as the other characters. The house in House of Leaves became the central antagonist in the family’s horrific journey and the city in Sex and the City, well it’s just as slutty and fashionable as the other characters. Start building your setting from the ground up. Describe your dream home in full detail."

The first thing that comes to my mind is self sustaining. The second is natural. My dream home would be based somewhere tropical where the weather stays in the range of 70 to 90 degrees year round. Hawaii was an ideal climate for my dream home to exist in. My dream home would be built with all natural resources. Think hut, or log cabin of 2045. Every color would be a direct reflection of something from the earth or sea. I would use skylights, mirrors and magnifiers to take the most advantage of the daylight hours and I think candles or lanterns would be sufficient for the night hours. The contrasting electronic equipment (computers, displays, etc) would have its own source of light to function properly. I mostly walk around in the dark or very low light at night. I have this feeling of comfort when the lights are off and I am deftly maneuvering around all the objects in my apartment. I have preferred it for as long as I can remember. I need the contrast too. Moonlight and Sunlight.

The walls and corners would be smooth and effortless. I don't enjoy hard lines and angles as I thought I did at 21. I do appreciate symmetry and flow but I would not be allowing my compulsive nature to find so much pleasure in a complete, perfectly harmoniously balanced house. I am not thinking Feng Shui as much as I am Zen garden.

The structure of the building would be built outwards from a large octagonal/circular shaped library in the center. I want a massive one too. I want a library that includes the tall extended rail ladders you can push from one end to the other. A massive glass ceiling and observatory room would sit on top of this library. The size of my place does not need to be large and I wouldn't prefer it. In my experience, a larger place only leaves more room for loneliness and things to clean.

I guess that about covers my dream house. I know it is only a vague rendering of a true house but I am not too particular beyond what I have listed. If at all possible, I would ask that it be haunted (inhabited by neutral spirits) too. That would make me very happy.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feel the Pain

"Is it true that women have a higher threshold for pain than men do? We do have to give birth, after all…Write (very graphically) about a sensation of pain that you have had or that your character is having. And I’m not talking about emotional pain. Use your own blog for that crap."

The first real "I'm gonna die I know it" pain I can recall happened in 1989. I was an extremely skinny seventh grader trying to find my place in the world. I had picked up basketball after considering football and realizing it was not the sport for me. My face and bones carried a lot of value in the temple that is JBee circa 89. Playing football with kids that were already 100 pounds heavier than myself only reminded me of semi-required Thanksgiving family football games. Collar bone, blood, fingers, toes, coccyx and loss of consciousness. These words come to mind. After 3 practice games I was given the position of "tight end". This new title didn't help secure my slight interest in the game. I quickly spun some excuses and juked around that possible massacre with my budding manhood still in tact. I joined the basketball team a short while later. It seemed less dangerous and I felt more at home with all the other wanna be gangsta hip-hop kids at the time. Though I weighed nothing, I was already 6 feet tall and could dunk the ball. My position was Point Guard and I loved it for a couple months.

During my first real game, a game where the cheerleaders and classmates were watching my every move, I became a little over zealous and began giving it "110 percent". I wasn't the best kid out there but I could make it look like I was to anyone who didn't understand the game. This need to be accepted and look cool was my ultimate downfall. I went for a stray ball that was headed directly for the bleachers. I had seen it on TV so many times. Jordan leaps past out of bounds and swats the ball back to Pippin for the the 3 pointer. At the very worst Jordan slides across the floor and crashes into a ESPN camera man. Well I wasn't Jordan or Pippin or the ESPN camera man.

I did save the ball by tossing it back in bounds while leaping through the air. Whether or not a guy on my team caught it I will never know. The integral part of this seemingly easy maneuver is the turn around after the jump. I didn't read the manual. I tossed the ball behind me and landed with so much momentum that I took off running instantly and soon as my feet hit the court. I only had made three steps before I was directly in front of the polished pine bleachers. To prevent my face from being smashed into a tangled mess I planted my hands directly in front of me and pushed up. This face saving move resulted in my abdomen crashing into the bleacher instead. The sounds produced from the collision caused every single person in the gym that day to stop what they were doing and collectively gasp.

I clearly remember those sounds. The squeak of basketball shoes, the crashing into the bleachers and the collective sucking in of air. I leaned into the L shape my body was pressed into even more. I didn't ever want to turn around again. The coach came up with a half concerned, half smiling face asking me if I was okay. I attempted to turn and sit on the offending bleacher and found that I had severe pains in my back. I thought that I had broken it somehow. I sat but couldn't understand what I was feeling. My spine and neck felt like they were was broke in pieces. There was a burning sensation that was so powerful I instantly felt weak and nauseous. The pain made me feel like I had crossed the threshold of the living and entered the afterlife or had transcended this world somehow. How else could I be experiencing something so intense and still be alive?

I lied down on the cold resined wood and the pain receded a little. The coach asked me to lift up my shirt which I did so unwillingly. We watched my abdomen change color from tan to deep purple as if an ink bottle had tipped over inside my chest. My coaches face was horror filled and that scared me more than the pain I was feeling. I nervously asked him what was happening and he said that I probably broke most of my ribs. He asked me to sit up and I promptly told him to fuck off. This was the first time I talked to an authority figure in this way and he didn't seem to mind. My feet and hands were freezing after a couple minutes and it reminded me of the movies where the old cowboy says he can't feel his feet and dies right afterward. I thought I was the old cowboy that day. The ambulance had driven from Orange Park and took about 20 minutes to arrive though it felt like hours. Our little town didn't have a hospital of it's own or working firetrucks when my house was burning to the ground.

I woke up a week later with tubes coming out of almost all of my orifices. I imagined myself as a young Weapon X without the adamantium skeleton. I had ruptured my spleen internally I was told. It was cut almost in half when the doctors pulled it out of me. The only joys I found during my 2 month stay were from the hot nurse visits. I suppose the morphine drip wasn't bad either. Even at that age I remember thinking that I liked the morphine too much and it concerned me. I spent several weeks in bed at home afterward attempting to recover. My stepfather felt that I should be working instead so while I was out of school for a major surgery I was also vacuuming, and doing random outside work. I felt like this prolonged my healing but I didn't talk about it. What is there to say to the Prison Warden when you have a six year sentence ahead of you? I removed the staples out of my stomach when they were ready to come out just like an old cowboy would. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools fool

"Before embarking on a new endeavor, it is always a good idea to set your intention for why you are doing something, what you hope to gain from it, and any obstacles that you might encounter along the way. Use today to set your intention for your writing this month."

My original intentions were very inspired and grandiose as I attempted to take on the first 30DoW last November. Walking into 30 Days after an almost complete failure to post in January leaves me feeling more grounded and less naive about this challenge than ever before. It's amusing to see that I am finding no lack of wording to describe my lack of writing. Ridiculous.

I am joining for the third time in hopes to complete 30 days of write(ing). It is as simple as that. My original desires to expand and experience and etc are going to stay underneath the covers for now as my truest feelings always get themselves hurt much quicker than the shallow ones. So here's to another 30 Days of Write, an amazing idea and a bunch of amazing people. I hope to see you all on the other side of this.

I am quickly finding that receiving responses from other writers and/or people that have similar interests really helps me understand where I am coming from. I have a few other blogs no one reads or responds to. I haven't felt the desire to have others read my stuff. I thought of my blogs as love letters for the fireplace to consume. I can't formulate my ideas and then write them out. I read the topic and let my little sailboat go about it's merry way. To see responses and to hear how it has effected others makes me feel that these .l e t t e r s. are formulating something tangible. Something more than JBee talking to himself in the mirror again. Thanks!