Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

"Today, the ASPCA kicks off its “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.” To celebrate, pay tribute in some way (a letter, a poem, whatever) to an animal from your past or present that was important to you."

Twisted humor, I know, but I have to note it none the less. "Today, the ASPCA kicks off its “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month." Am I the only one who finds this sentence funny? (I do not condone cruelty to animals in any fashion unless it is a ridiculously outfitted animal posted on icanhazcheezeburger or one of its affiliates)

You were one of four that summer, Sylvester. I know the name was chosen in haste and by an eight year old too but, in my defense, you did look exactly like the cartoon character you were named after. I always wondered if you were ostracized from your brothers and sister due to being so fluffy while they were all sleek and muscular looking? I doubt it. You and your siblings roamed those 5 acres and surrounding areas like lions. It was my own version of the Animal Kingdom in my backyard. You fought wild animals and was even bit by a snake once but always survived. I remember hearing you hit your head on the floor boards late at night but it never bothered me. I knew the fight was for a worthy cause. The land was yours and no one was going to take it from you.

You lived a full life but it was short lived. I wanted to kill the kid across the street for shooting you in the head. I never forgave him for it. I remember losing a bit of my innocence after your death and gaining a new found despise for anyone that resembled his type. Rednecks. I could not understand how a human being could kill a living creature for sport or recreation. I dug a hole as deep as the wet Florida earth would allow and buried you myself. I remember being alone that day and I didn't mind at all. Thanks for being such an awesome, loving and regal lion of a cat during my twisted childhood. I will never forget you.


sk said...

Sylvester's death came as quite a shock to me as a reader. It's a well crafted turn, making the event read as sudden and heartbreaking as possible. That's so sad and horrible. I don't think I would have had the strength to only want to kill...

ChicagoRilke23 said...

i feel your pain. some asshat shot my cat Alowishes w/a pellet gun! the dr. had to cut around his wound and then to make things worse my mom gave my cat two tylenol :(
it was curtains for my dear Alowishes. he was then buried in the pet cemetery.

great read as always.

i still want to impale the little shit who shot my cat!

tipsy texter said...

i am totally with sk. the way his death came at me, i actually doubled over and had to turn away-it was completely unexpected. visceral reactions are not easy to come by-so, uh, awesome job on the crafting, but fuck that was a sad story.

i really should have seen this coming.

and why my sentence gotta be funny?