Thursday, April 16, 2009

taxes and stuff

"To celebrate the day after tax day, write about something that we all fantasize about: what you would do if you won $8 million in the lottery. Don't forget to factor in taxes!"

"You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures. Like Caine from Kung Fu."

That line about sums it up for me. I would go where ever I like. I would travel so extensively that I would either have to stop from old age or eventual boredom. My goal in life is to do exactly that. I mean, some of us live on this huge and amazing planet and never leave the state we were born in. I am in love with the human spirit and our history throughout the world. I want to experience it all first hand. Galapagos, Egypt, Greek islands, Spain, Maine and everything in between. I would own a plane and a boat and any equipment required to visit anywhere I wanted. I would also be taking friends and family with me. This is my fantasy.


sk said...

A great goal. I'm with you, there's so much world out there to see.

Starr said...
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Starr said...

I am neither a friend nor family. Clearly, I would not be invited. lame.