Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth becomes a shithole...

"One of my favorite books is T.C. Boyle's A Friend of the Earth, a story set in the future when the earth becomes a shithole and the only animals left are in private collections of former rock stars. Share with us your view on the Earth's future in as much detail as possible."

I have to apologize in advance for this one. It's negative and it's barely readable. Sometimes I just have to get it out there. Sans format, flow, structure or blah.

You've been living underground
Eating from a can
You've been running away
From what you don't understand...

The radio in my head tunes to this little ditty loud and clear as soon as someone mentions apocalyptic times, nuclear, global warming, the future. Or maybe it's due to all the Fallout 3 I have played in the last few months? Nah, that can't be it. I have always thought of that song in relation to our future. I see the future as a wasteland controlled and policed by large corporations. Tank Girl rings a bell. Demolition Man rings another, more distasteful, bell. I don't see the human race making things better. I am sorry to say it too. I don't enjoy spreading negativity. In our history, we have destroyed and divided and conquered. We as humans use knowledge as a device to gain more power. Being more powerful leads to more greed. Those in need fight for what they want and we have another war. Or two. Or an endless number. I don't believe violence solves anything. Any thing. And this is how we "resolve" our issues as a species. By fighting or stealing things from others in the name of whatever God you follow. On a cosmic scale we are simple, barbaric creatures. I can't imagine a world without mass conflict or a world that doesn't finds itself as the center of the universe.

Sheesh. My future is a shithole huh? -and I've already procreated. Looks like I filled the quota for things to perpetuate a dying earth and her death rattle. I do recycle however, so, there's that. I realize this post is going nowhere fast. I see it clearly. Thanks for wading through the muck and the mire with me.

And scene.


sk said...

Tank Girl was a flashback ;)

It might sound negative, but you aren't wrong. The traits that created culture, spread agriculture and led our species to dominate the earth will be the same traits which destroy us.

ChicagoRilke23 said...

i agree w/sk's thoughts... we have become so wrapped up in how we are special and me me me, that we forget about our role in the world and who we are as living entities... we don't deserve to cont. as a species if we just rape the planet of its resources and expect the planet to just bend to our whims... oh but i forget, when we fly to another planet- we can make it our bitch too... silly me...
