Friday, April 3, 2009

my dream house

"Setting is a critical element to most stories, sometimes to the point that the setting can be considered a character in the piece, taking on a life of its own and influencing the plot just as much as the other characters. The house in House of Leaves became the central antagonist in the family’s horrific journey and the city in Sex and the City, well it’s just as slutty and fashionable as the other characters. Start building your setting from the ground up. Describe your dream home in full detail."

The first thing that comes to my mind is self sustaining. The second is natural. My dream home would be based somewhere tropical where the weather stays in the range of 70 to 90 degrees year round. Hawaii was an ideal climate for my dream home to exist in. My dream home would be built with all natural resources. Think hut, or log cabin of 2045. Every color would be a direct reflection of something from the earth or sea. I would use skylights, mirrors and magnifiers to take the most advantage of the daylight hours and I think candles or lanterns would be sufficient for the night hours. The contrasting electronic equipment (computers, displays, etc) would have its own source of light to function properly. I mostly walk around in the dark or very low light at night. I have this feeling of comfort when the lights are off and I am deftly maneuvering around all the objects in my apartment. I have preferred it for as long as I can remember. I need the contrast too. Moonlight and Sunlight.

The walls and corners would be smooth and effortless. I don't enjoy hard lines and angles as I thought I did at 21. I do appreciate symmetry and flow but I would not be allowing my compulsive nature to find so much pleasure in a complete, perfectly harmoniously balanced house. I am not thinking Feng Shui as much as I am Zen garden.

The structure of the building would be built outwards from a large octagonal/circular shaped library in the center. I want a massive one too. I want a library that includes the tall extended rail ladders you can push from one end to the other. A massive glass ceiling and observatory room would sit on top of this library. The size of my place does not need to be large and I wouldn't prefer it. In my experience, a larger place only leaves more room for loneliness and things to clean.

I guess that about covers my dream house. I know it is only a vague rendering of a true house but I am not too particular beyond what I have listed. If at all possible, I would ask that it be haunted (inhabited by neutral spirits) too. That would make me very happy.


tipsy texter said...

of course you want your house to be haunted!

great call on the library ladders. those are a definite must.

ChicagoRilke23 said...

i like the idea of your house. i have wanted one of those eco homes that you see people have in places like arizona, etc.

i also really really enjoy your description of your library. makes me feel happy.